Major news site on Africa
afrol News – African News Agency This major website covers news from all countries of Africa. Incl. sports, business, development, culture etc.
Welcome To Graphic Ghana
One of the leading newspapers in Ghana.
New AFrican – IC Publications Magazine covering African issues
Zimbabwe Financial Gazette Online! Major financial publication of Zimbabwe
African Human Rights Resource Center Various doc’ts pertaining to rights of people, preservation of environment, status of refugees, OAU charter, AU, etc.
BBC Story of Africa BBC history of Africa
Conflicts in Africa Excellent site explaining what and who are behind the conflicts on the Continent
Crime, Justice & Race in South Africa Justice Center Website of University of Alaska – Anchorage
Google List on Africa Various websites on Africa’s social condition
Human Rights and Governance in Africa Columbia University’s site on human rights and governance in Africa.
Nkrumah Info Site This site is an authoritative information source on aspects of Kwame Nkrumah’s life and works.
OAU CREATION PAGE covers OAU creation, brief history of Africa’s heads of state who participated, OAU charter, etc.,
One Africa Now A Site created and maintained by African Star Line, Inc. Internet Group
Stanford University Internet Resource on Sub Saharan Africa Covers all countries, regions, and topics (excellent)
Univ. of Pennsylvania African Country Pages and Search Engine: Excellent resource on Africa that is country specific
Univ of Penn African Studies Center African web links on virtually everything pertaining to the continent
US Africa Online First African-owned U.S.-based professional newspaper to be published on the internet. Covers US and African relations and lots more.
World Resources CTR (Africa) Excellent resource on Africa
Yale University’s Africa Guide Comprehensive guide to African Resources, Languages, and Development and Social Action on the Web

Ā Academic Reports on Africa

Conflict Diamonds Report on violence in African related to diamond trade
The Congo Ravaged Human Rights Watch report on the Congo
Us Policy Towards Horn Foreign Policy of US in Horn of Africa